Wednesday 11 April 2012

Insomnia Strikes Again

Well I must not be able to sleep. Otherwise I wouldn't be on this stupid website again.
I'm talking to nobody! Oh well, I guess that's the only person who will ever understand.
Okay, now I sound like a female. But it's true. I'm just too.. different. And maybe that's a good thing. Maybe. Just maybe.
I pride myself on being different. I mean, like, I don't do drugs, I don't party, I don't have sex.
I sound really fucking lame don't I?
Truth is - I am. It's 12:30am. There's no school this week. Yet here I am... writing a stupid blog that nobody reads. Frick.
That's all I got. Maybe I'll actually get to sleep now. Yeah. That would be nice.
For once.

Sunday 1 April 2012


Well, it's 11:30-some p.m.
What do you do? Sleep, naturally. But sleep is for the weak, right? Because we all know there's plenty of time to sleep when you're dead.
Well, I disagree. I would love to sleep right now! I may as well be trying to bash through a cement floor with my head, because it's not working.
Smashing through a cement floor with my head would not be an easy thing. With the amount of hair I have, I feel like it would just be a cushion.
Heh. I'm thinking about a a pillow strapped to my head right now smashing it against the floor.
"What is the purpose of this blog?" you may be asking yourself.
Good question.
Anger, perhaps. Insomnia. maybe. I dunno. I'll probably vent a little bit here, because nobody knows who I am, I can say how I feel, right?
Turns out, beaking a 12-year old on Xbox live has emotional repercussions.
Which is fucking stupid.

Yet here I am, I can't sleep because I feel bad for beaking some kid I don't know?
Maybe that's the problem.
I don't know this kid. Hell, he could be ADD, have autism, I dunno!
All I know is he's 13, and he has a girlfriend who was playing games with him.
So of course, I had to make fun of him.

Why am I such an ass?
Why do I feel like it's my job to make every little kid online miserable?
I love kids. I mean, I'm a camp counsellor for crying out loud! I wouldn't want the kids that I... counsel I guess... to hear me online dropping F-bombs like they're hot.
Yet here I am. Once again.
I suppose I'm actually not venting to anyone. Who knows? Maybe I'll have followers some day.
And if I don't, who cares?

So what was the point of that update? I don't actually know. But I feel better now. Kinda. I'm sure sleep will find me. Good thing I don't have class til 10 tomorrow.