Monday 25 February 2013


Okay... So let's go back.
Way back. To Brenna.
Who I actually had a really good date with! About a month ago. And never told you about it.
Here's the thing - she lives about an hour away. I had to drive out, pick her up, take her out, and bring her back home at like 1am. It was tons of fun! And I managed to sneak a goodnight kiss out of her!

Everything was looking so grand!
And then... the expectations came back.

Long story short, we are currently taking a break (which I decided on, and I don't want to have anything to do with her until she's been on her own for a few months).
So I'm back to drinking, and I'm looking into other options.

Yes, there is yet another girl involved in this story.
She's chill, a lot of fun, and my roomates really like her.
I brought her home last weekend and she freaking played cards with us! It was awesome. She also slept over. But nothing really happened. I'm still trying to decide if I like this girl. Cause to be honest, I don't want to use her. She doesn't deserve that.

That's enough for tonight. I have a hell of a headache. I'll update again some day...