Friday 25 May 2012

What's wrong with love?

I'm going to be brief, and straightforward.
If you're an atheist, cool. I can respect you. What I can't respect is when you continually cut down Christianity.
Why? Let's take a quick look. Atheists - I don't want to stereotype, but like, is it your life goal to undermine Christians? Honestly. I can't speak for all of us, but we don't go around telling you how wrong you are. And if we do, I apologize.
Seriously though, Christianity is based on love. That was Jesus' greatest lesson.
Live Simply
Care Deeply
Love Lots. Or something like that. You get the idea.
If you've read my previous posts, you may be confused as to who I am. I'll just tell you. I'm not perfect. That sums it up. I do my best, I fall down, I get back up again. Some day, I'll stay on the straight and narrow. Now, back onto topic.
Why are we so very "wrong" for loving God? Why are we wrong for loving you? Do you not want love? is that it?
I know it's not. We all want love. So embrace it, instead of trying to grind it into dust. Because, quite frankly, it's not working.

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