Monday 4 June 2012

Things are looking up!

Hey! A not-depressed Blog post! DECE!
Well, let's start off with the bad news. It happened again. Me and that girl. On a band trip (which was about 4 days long). One night we just snuck off and... yeah. Which was ironic cause we were in a hotel but couldn't do anything inside.
ANYWAY, that's beside the point.
What is the point?
I'm stressed, but things are looking good.
Currently I'm working a project for next year's Student Leadership conference. It's the intro video, which is kind of a big deal, but not really. Basically, if we screw it up nobody will care THAT much... But if we get it right it'll be a kick-ass way to start off SLC. And so far, so good. We have just over a week to finish it.
I also have another video to make for school. it's a music video for English.
And I have Media class, in which we... you guessed it - make videos.
But hey, I love videos. It's awesome!
So yeah, I've been clocking some overtime hours in my basement. It's all good, but I don't get outside :( Not that I do anyway.
Course I just came back from a 20-minute jog. I'm really tired.
Another thing that's stressing me out is work next year. I have nothing lined up yet for this fall, but I'm not too concerned about it just yet. I know that something will come up. The good Lord always provides right?
I do have my summer job lined up, so I'm set for that. Which is excellent. That's 2 months to not have to worry.
So. Why am I not stressed? To be honest, I'm not sure. Maybe cause I'm just living and loving life right now. Which doesn't seem to shameful to me. Maybe it's cause I'm getting my spiritual life back on track.
Who knows? Maybe it's cause I'm in love.
Am I? That's debatable. What is love anyway? Is it a feeling? According to Bon Jovi it's much more than that.
Maybe it's going through so much crap with a person that you can tell them anything. And you know without a shadow of a doubt that you'd do anything for them. Maybe that's what love is. If it is, I'm not completely in love.
Maybe love is wanting to get to know someone so much that you don't want to get to know them all the way so that you can never stop learning about them. That seems complicated enough, so that could be it. If it is, I'm in love. With a girl who more or less raelizes it. Course she hates my bad habits. Drinking, swearing, etc. I love drinking occasionally, you know?
Who knows, if we're meant to be married, we'll figure something out.
If we're not, we're not. There are billions of women on the earth.

Okay now I have to rant about her. She's beautiful. Short (like 5'5) for some reason even though I'm tall I love short girls. She has short brown hair, lovely green eyes, man. I don't even know how to describe her. He face looks a bit like Megan Fox's (The eyebrows and eye shape definitely).
Okay that's enough. I'll sicken you guys.
She was my grad escort though, and we're ridiculously cute together.
It's and akward situation though. She doesn't wanna date me cause of my bad habits, plus the fact that I've had like 4 girlfriends. And she's been my friend through the last 2. She's afraid we'll end up just like them

Oh well, she's going out of the country for a while. It should clear her head.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. With a smile this time :D

Keep your chins up.

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