Monday 25 June 2012

I need to write

I feel like writing, but I don't have the motivation to write my book right now. So I'll just vent on here. And try to get out my anger and stress.

First off - School's done!! Like.. DONE! I'm fucking done highschool! FOREVER! It's awesome! This was on Friday.
The weekend was kick-ass. I got to go to my friend's grad (Who I have a thing for, which I think I mentioned in an earlier post). I met some friends of hers, and it was a good time. I bought her flowers, her mom called me sweet, her dad gave me an indirect warning about dating her. All in all, Success!!
Before this, I got to see my friend who I haven't seen in like... 2 years. That was sweet!
After that, I went to my other friend's, and we were gonna get HAMMERED. It would have been sick, but his younger brother wouldn't go to bed. So we couldn't. Ah well.

I came home yesterday. Late. And went to bed. Not so bad.
Today my friend wakes me up at about 10:00. I was a little pissed off, but hey, he just wrote his last final today! So we hung out. And it was good times and high fives. We bought the game "Lollipop Chainsaw", which involves babes, small clothing and zombies. Oh and chainsaws. Fuckin' awesome.

We talked about some serious shit on the way to the city to buy the game. Good times. Basically he knows as much as you guys do now. Plus some cause... you know... he's kinda my best friend. One of the best guys I know.

So then I get the text. From the chick who I may not have mentioned before. Basically I wanted to fuck her, and she wouldn't stop texting me. Ever. Like those "Oh I'm going to shower now" kinda texts. She's so goddamn annoying.
A little backstory here - she liked my friend (the one I hung out with today) and he fucked her friend while they liked each other. She lost her shit and said he cheated on her.
So I'm sick of her texting me, and I have a rubber arm. My friend told me to tell her to fuck off. After some consideration, I decided it was for the best. She was fucking annoying, and I wasn't getting anything out of it. So we had a short texting conversation, and I'm down one friend.
Well, not really a friend. More of an annoyance. I feel bad, but maybe I shouldn't. I feel bad that I pissed her off so bad and made her cry. And maybe I feel bad about it not being entirely my call. But hey, I don't have to worry about her anymore. And I don't ever, EVER need to see her again.

Maybe I shouldn't feel bad. I should lighten up. I'm at camp all summer, then I'm off to face the world. Goodbye everyone on here. It may be a while before you hear from me again.


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