Monday 17 December 2012


Just having some wine, and decided it was time for an update.

I haven't said much lately. I guess there isn't a whole lot of development to talk about, but I'll try to scrounge something up.

I suppose the biggest thing is that I'm becoming a top leader in the office. I'm working my way up. My boss likes me. A lot. And my leader loves me. In fact, I just led 2 successful roadtrips, which resulted in my leader becoming an assistant manager.
So I suppose that's something.

So yeah. We have an assistant manager in the office. What does that mean? He's going to become an owner, and soon. Also that we will hopefully be getting a new campaign!
Which is great, because we literally can't grow our team any more. Maybe 1 more guy. maybe.

So what does that mean for me?
I can't move up. Without building a team, I actually can't move anywhere. I want to be assistant manager by August.
Now my leader say he wants me there in the next 3 months.
Okay, why don't you get us a fucking new campaign then?
Also, it turns out getting there by august wouldn't be a record. Is that going to stop me? Absolutely not. Fuck records. I'm still going hard.
And once we get that new campaign, BOOM. That's it! I'm there.

So when I've begun building my team, I will be posting here more often. Not that you care, mind you. Being as you don't actually read this crap. Ah well.

Now for the good part - my woman issues.
We finally had a date! Me and "Susan". It was kind of a date anyway. We went snowboarding, with 2 other people.
BUT - we went fucking snowboarding. And we ended up cuddling during a movie afterwards. Now of course she tells me that she didn't want to and blah blah blah. But if she didn't want to, it wouldn't have happened. Simple as that.
So yeah, this is definitely going somewhere.
And on the way back from roadtrip #2, we talked to each other about the standards we had for dating. Turns out she's looking for... Well... me.
Does she know it yet? No.
Do I know it? Yes.
So what's going down? Is this legit? Is it gonna be serious?
Fuck. I don't need this right now.

Am I absolutely terrified of screwing it up? Yes. Yes I am.
And I don't scare easily,

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