Saturday 29 December 2012

Drunk Post

I'll probably shoot myself tomorrow but....

Hell. I'll make it quick.

I went out tonight, it was awesome! Had quite a few drinks, danced, and watched my brother fail.
Yup. We went out with his friend (who is extremely hot). Me and her friend decided that we should hook them up. What happens? My brother says he's too drunk to talk to her.
Dude. That's why we drink.
So where did that leave me? Trying to keep all the guys off of her so that he could talk to her.
Did he?
Absolutely fucking not.

I had to play wingman with a FUCKING DUDE!
Jesus bro.

But whatever. He'll learn. We'll teach him.
And good news is that she didn't fuck anyone, and he had his arm around her at the end of the night.
Does that mean anything?
But it is good news.

Off to bed now. I'll speak of my drunken encounter next time.

Monday 17 December 2012


Just having some wine, and decided it was time for an update.

I haven't said much lately. I guess there isn't a whole lot of development to talk about, but I'll try to scrounge something up.

I suppose the biggest thing is that I'm becoming a top leader in the office. I'm working my way up. My boss likes me. A lot. And my leader loves me. In fact, I just led 2 successful roadtrips, which resulted in my leader becoming an assistant manager.
So I suppose that's something.

So yeah. We have an assistant manager in the office. What does that mean? He's going to become an owner, and soon. Also that we will hopefully be getting a new campaign!
Which is great, because we literally can't grow our team any more. Maybe 1 more guy. maybe.

So what does that mean for me?
I can't move up. Without building a team, I actually can't move anywhere. I want to be assistant manager by August.
Now my leader say he wants me there in the next 3 months.
Okay, why don't you get us a fucking new campaign then?
Also, it turns out getting there by august wouldn't be a record. Is that going to stop me? Absolutely not. Fuck records. I'm still going hard.
And once we get that new campaign, BOOM. That's it! I'm there.

So when I've begun building my team, I will be posting here more often. Not that you care, mind you. Being as you don't actually read this crap. Ah well.

Now for the good part - my woman issues.
We finally had a date! Me and "Susan". It was kind of a date anyway. We went snowboarding, with 2 other people.
BUT - we went fucking snowboarding. And we ended up cuddling during a movie afterwards. Now of course she tells me that she didn't want to and blah blah blah. But if she didn't want to, it wouldn't have happened. Simple as that.
So yeah, this is definitely going somewhere.
And on the way back from roadtrip #2, we talked to each other about the standards we had for dating. Turns out she's looking for... Well... me.
Does she know it yet? No.
Do I know it? Yes.
So what's going down? Is this legit? Is it gonna be serious?
Fuck. I don't need this right now.

Am I absolutely terrified of screwing it up? Yes. Yes I am.
And I don't scare easily,

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Plenty Of Fish

Good Lord.
I just joined Plenty Of

Can't decide if I'm bored or desperate at this point.

Like honestly, what are the chances of someone who even comes remotely up to my standards just randomly replying to my... profile. Or whatever the fuck it is.
My standards have definitely gotten higher.

BUT. I think rightly so.
I've moved up, I won't settle for anything less than I deserve. I know I may not be the MOST attractive guy on the planet. But I think I'm pretty damn close.

Anyway, that's not the point. Well, yes it is.
But I should really just get out and meet someone myself. This is just pathetic.

Oh well. Whatever.

In other news - I'm moving up in the office. I'm leading a road trip next week. The other 2 members on the trip are both older, more experienced, and perform better than me.
But I'm leading it!
I think my boss sees something in me that I don't. Well, maybe I see it too...
Either way. I'll get to ownership. Assistant manager by summer! That's the plan.

And it would be a record.

Wednesday 14 November 2012


How hard is it to be professional?
I mean, I realize that moving from Superstore to business can't be easy, but come on.

So we got a new girl in the office today. Just a second interview - a day of observation. we call it.
Basically a job shadow.

So she's sitting in the lobby and we all come out of our morning meeting. There are a couple people there, so we greet them as usual.
The second I greet her she grips my hand (with both of hers I think) and gets that "preteen girl" look.
Oh God.

Didn't stop there though. Me, my leader, and her all went out of town. About an hour away. She was his interview that day. The whole way up she was just... flirty. Ugh I dunno how to describe it.
Either way, she was flirty. But I only had to put up with her for about an hour.
Or so I thought...

Turns out my leader decided to quit a bit early. Around 2:30 rather than 5. So we all met up, ran to the bank, and grabbed a late lunch.
Yay. I got to see her again...
Before I continue, you need to realize that this girl reminds me of every single one of my exes. It's ridiculous. I didn't even think it was possible!!

It got worse at lunch. She likes to use the expression "tackle" for her problems. And even her not problems. Anyway I don't remember the whole thing but basically it came down to me saying "You can't tackle me."
Her response: "too bad".

And then she proceeded to make more comments like that and hit me on the arm. I did my best to avoid it and keep it professional. It didn't work. She got worse and worse.

But it wasn't all bad!
I closed 2 accounts today. $420 bucks. Guaranteed $410 tomorrow, and it's only Thursday!
So I got lots of time!

Saturday 10 November 2012

Winter Roads

Damn. What a week.

So we took a 10-hour drive out of province for a company trip. We were told it was going to be juicy.
Long story short, everyone was using a shitty system that we couldn't replace for them. Because it has a non-cancellable contract.
So we couldn't switch many people.
I mean, some people used standard POS systems (debit machines), so we could switch those ones. But they were few and far apart.
Anyway, I came home with about $200-$250 profit. Not so great.
BUT. at least I made some cash!

So the trip up was just dandy. No snow, nothing. There was one patch of ice.

The trip back was hell on earth.
We had to go through Edmonton, which had over a foot of snow. And ice. Yeah, not so much fun.
And did I mention we only had 1 headlight? And of course we didn't notice til AFTER we got onto the highway away from anywhere that sells them.
But we're alive!

In total it was about a 21 hour drive there and back.
I drove 13 hours.
My co-worker, (the only other one who can drive) drove about 8.

So that pissed me off a little. But we were testing out a car that I might buy from my brother.
It took about 100 litres to go 1000 kms. Not too shabby. So I'll probably buy it.

And another development on me and this girl.
We were talking about our cars, and how mine was super pimpin' (It's a Buick Park Avenue). We then got onto the topic of back seats, and how mine was really roomy. So we made some suggestive comments and shit, you know, the usual.

But were they just jokes? It's pretty hard to tell over text. But I'm quite certain there was more to this than just words.
But who knows? We rarely see each other, and she keeps standing me up. So maybe some day I'll get to talk to her in person, alone, for more than 10 minutes. Maybe even tomorrow! I'm sure I'll blog about it.

So one last thing -
All my roomates are gone. All of them. So it's pretty lonely here. I'm getting a bit sad. Not even motivated enough to play a game. So I'll be wasting my evening on Omegle. Again.
Fuck sakes.

Monday 29 October 2012


You know how some days, a song comes on and it just makes you stop and think for a while whilst it plays?
That was today.

I recently picked up a copy of the book "The Game". It's a book about picking up women.
Yup. That's right. I don't know what I'm doing right now. Who am I becoming? I'm a salesman now, and possibly an aspiring pickup artist.

And my faith?
non-existent. Yeah, that's probably not a good thing. I honestly thought this time things would be different. Guess not.

So, why am I blogging once again? I dunno. Probably cause I'm depressed, but I don't want to tell anyone.

There's this girl. Who will be for the period of time now called "Susan". Me and her met about 3 years ago camping. At the time, we just hung out a little bit, you know, innocently. We never saw each other outside of camping, but we kept in contact occasionally via email.
We saw each other every year we went camping. And we were always both very excited about it. It was always nice to see her, but we both knew that nothing could happen.
Now I live on my own, I'm a lot more... outgoing now. Not to mention I had a bit of a makeover. I'd say I went up at least 1.5 on the hot scale. Probably.

Either way, we're both dating age now, and we've been trying to set up a date for a while. Well, I have anyway. Course, every time we're about to have it either she gives me an excuse or I fuck it up.

Finally, I decided it was the last straw. "This is the last time she'll say no." I said to myself. "After this, I won't give her another chance."
Guess what?
She said no.

4 hours later I get a text message from her saying she's sorry and feels bad and she asks ME out.
Fuck sakes.

I am now in the midst of a conversation with her about why I should actually go out with her. So far, not so good. She's just guilt-tripping me.

Why won't I just say yes? Before I continue, you need to realize that this girl is a SOLID 9.5. I mean like I would not hesitate to take her down. But she's a christian. She has morals. So what does that mean? That this might be an actual relationship. Which I might not mind, but she's trying to take control.
That's why she's suddenly asking me out. I'm 90% sure. And until she says she's not, I'm not going out with her. I know that's stupid, but it's the truth.

On the plus side - I got a girl's number 2 days ago. Also quite a babe. We're going out for coffee or something this weekend. Once she's done her midterms we'll organize something.

And chances are pretty good that I'll be getting something out of that.

Why am I going to try this? Obviously I don't need it. But hell, it's all part of the game.

EDIT: the girl "susan" in this post is the one mentioned in the previous one. The really beautiful one.

Friday 12 October 2012

Monday 10 September 2012

work and home

Okay! so I have a house. It's really nice. A split level, 2-car garage, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a great big family to share it with!
Me and 4 other guys are renting it. We're quite blessed. (Or lucky, whichever you prefer).

So I have a job which is straight commission. A sales job. I sell debit machines. It's pretty swell, I really like the atmosphere and the potential it has to offer.

Have I made any money?
Will I?
Yes. Absolutely.

So I have family and friends who are busy telling me "No.... No. Sales job is bad job."
But you know what? I like it! It's a great job! And just cause they can't handle it doesn't mean I can't.

And in 2 years I could be owning my own office! In 5, a series of offices!
Now who can't handle it??

But seriously, putting on a suit and leaving my house every morning... It makes me wish I had a real family.
Like a wife and kids...
I could kiss my wife goodbye every morning and tell her I love her.

I'm kind of a sap. Maybe that's part of growing up.
Or maybe it's just time to actually grow up.

Who knows? All I know is some day, I'll make a great dad.

Saturday 18 August 2012

I'm alive!

Still alive out here! Up here. Whatever. Wherever I am.

I'm on a weekend off. And I have a real job now!
Like a legit job. Kinda. I'm working for a company called Independent Acquisitions. I sell debit machines, and I start next Monday.
SO. I'm employed! That's a start.

Now, an update on my lovely, overly-dramatic life involving women.
She no longer wants to be my friend.
Remember that lovely, awesome, funny, cute and generally adorable girl who was my grad escort?
Turns out she's just like all the others. So that's one less friend.

On the other hand, I feel free without her around. And I have an awesome group of friends now. So instead of just one, I have like... 7. It's awesome.
Seriously though. I'm pretty pissed off, but I'm definitely happier than I was before. I dunno... it's... freeing.

So. My new job consists of 100% commission. And door-to-door sales. So I can handle it. I'm quite confident in my people skills. AND - get this - in like 2 years, I could own my own office! And be making 200 grand a year. YEAH. At the age of 20. Imagine that!
Now, you're probably thinking this is just a pipe dream. Well my boss is 22. And he made it to owner in a year and a half. Who's dreaming now?

Also, me and 4 other guys are renting out a mansion. Seems as though my future is bright. Things are, once again, looking up. For good this time.

Have a good one! Write to ya later!

Wednesday 27 June 2012

You Deserve One Last Post...

Well... This is goodbye.
Tomorrow at 11am I leave town. Maybe for good.
I'm off to camp all summer, except one week. I'm considering coming back for that week, but to be honest, I really don't want to.
This is it. I'm out on my own. My bags are literally packed and ready to go. I don't have my parent's vehicle, and I don't have them telling me what to do at all.
FINALLY. I'm free!
Oh, I know I'll miss them. Eventually. But not yet. I'm going to enjoy the fact that I'm actually in control of my life for once, rather than them. And I'm going to have the best year at camp. EVER. Of all time.
So, what would I say to this town if it could understand me?
"Fuck you." That's what.
Why? Cause I hate it here. People are dicks, and everything is a big deal. The town revolves around highschool drama, and I've pissed off a lot of people here. Time to slip under the radar and completely disappear.
That's my dream. To disappear. But I'm sure you'll still hear from me occasionally. Maybe. If you're lucky, who knows.

One thing I know - I'm not coming back here.
I fucking hate this place.

This is Steve,
Signing off.

Monday 25 June 2012

I need to write

I feel like writing, but I don't have the motivation to write my book right now. So I'll just vent on here. And try to get out my anger and stress.

First off - School's done!! Like.. DONE! I'm fucking done highschool! FOREVER! It's awesome! This was on Friday.
The weekend was kick-ass. I got to go to my friend's grad (Who I have a thing for, which I think I mentioned in an earlier post). I met some friends of hers, and it was a good time. I bought her flowers, her mom called me sweet, her dad gave me an indirect warning about dating her. All in all, Success!!
Before this, I got to see my friend who I haven't seen in like... 2 years. That was sweet!
After that, I went to my other friend's, and we were gonna get HAMMERED. It would have been sick, but his younger brother wouldn't go to bed. So we couldn't. Ah well.

I came home yesterday. Late. And went to bed. Not so bad.
Today my friend wakes me up at about 10:00. I was a little pissed off, but hey, he just wrote his last final today! So we hung out. And it was good times and high fives. We bought the game "Lollipop Chainsaw", which involves babes, small clothing and zombies. Oh and chainsaws. Fuckin' awesome.

We talked about some serious shit on the way to the city to buy the game. Good times. Basically he knows as much as you guys do now. Plus some cause... you know... he's kinda my best friend. One of the best guys I know.

So then I get the text. From the chick who I may not have mentioned before. Basically I wanted to fuck her, and she wouldn't stop texting me. Ever. Like those "Oh I'm going to shower now" kinda texts. She's so goddamn annoying.
A little backstory here - she liked my friend (the one I hung out with today) and he fucked her friend while they liked each other. She lost her shit and said he cheated on her.
So I'm sick of her texting me, and I have a rubber arm. My friend told me to tell her to fuck off. After some consideration, I decided it was for the best. She was fucking annoying, and I wasn't getting anything out of it. So we had a short texting conversation, and I'm down one friend.
Well, not really a friend. More of an annoyance. I feel bad, but maybe I shouldn't. I feel bad that I pissed her off so bad and made her cry. And maybe I feel bad about it not being entirely my call. But hey, I don't have to worry about her anymore. And I don't ever, EVER need to see her again.

Maybe I shouldn't feel bad. I should lighten up. I'm at camp all summer, then I'm off to face the world. Goodbye everyone on here. It may be a while before you hear from me again.


Monday 4 June 2012

Things are looking up!

Hey! A not-depressed Blog post! DECE!
Well, let's start off with the bad news. It happened again. Me and that girl. On a band trip (which was about 4 days long). One night we just snuck off and... yeah. Which was ironic cause we were in a hotel but couldn't do anything inside.
ANYWAY, that's beside the point.
What is the point?
I'm stressed, but things are looking good.
Currently I'm working a project for next year's Student Leadership conference. It's the intro video, which is kind of a big deal, but not really. Basically, if we screw it up nobody will care THAT much... But if we get it right it'll be a kick-ass way to start off SLC. And so far, so good. We have just over a week to finish it.
I also have another video to make for school. it's a music video for English.
And I have Media class, in which we... you guessed it - make videos.
But hey, I love videos. It's awesome!
So yeah, I've been clocking some overtime hours in my basement. It's all good, but I don't get outside :( Not that I do anyway.
Course I just came back from a 20-minute jog. I'm really tired.
Another thing that's stressing me out is work next year. I have nothing lined up yet for this fall, but I'm not too concerned about it just yet. I know that something will come up. The good Lord always provides right?
I do have my summer job lined up, so I'm set for that. Which is excellent. That's 2 months to not have to worry.
So. Why am I not stressed? To be honest, I'm not sure. Maybe cause I'm just living and loving life right now. Which doesn't seem to shameful to me. Maybe it's cause I'm getting my spiritual life back on track.
Who knows? Maybe it's cause I'm in love.
Am I? That's debatable. What is love anyway? Is it a feeling? According to Bon Jovi it's much more than that.
Maybe it's going through so much crap with a person that you can tell them anything. And you know without a shadow of a doubt that you'd do anything for them. Maybe that's what love is. If it is, I'm not completely in love.
Maybe love is wanting to get to know someone so much that you don't want to get to know them all the way so that you can never stop learning about them. That seems complicated enough, so that could be it. If it is, I'm in love. With a girl who more or less raelizes it. Course she hates my bad habits. Drinking, swearing, etc. I love drinking occasionally, you know?
Who knows, if we're meant to be married, we'll figure something out.
If we're not, we're not. There are billions of women on the earth.

Okay now I have to rant about her. She's beautiful. Short (like 5'5) for some reason even though I'm tall I love short girls. She has short brown hair, lovely green eyes, man. I don't even know how to describe her. He face looks a bit like Megan Fox's (The eyebrows and eye shape definitely).
Okay that's enough. I'll sicken you guys.
She was my grad escort though, and we're ridiculously cute together.
It's and akward situation though. She doesn't wanna date me cause of my bad habits, plus the fact that I've had like 4 girlfriends. And she's been my friend through the last 2. She's afraid we'll end up just like them

Oh well, she's going out of the country for a while. It should clear her head.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. With a smile this time :D

Keep your chins up.

Friday 25 May 2012

What's wrong with love?

I'm going to be brief, and straightforward.
If you're an atheist, cool. I can respect you. What I can't respect is when you continually cut down Christianity.
Why? Let's take a quick look. Atheists - I don't want to stereotype, but like, is it your life goal to undermine Christians? Honestly. I can't speak for all of us, but we don't go around telling you how wrong you are. And if we do, I apologize.
Seriously though, Christianity is based on love. That was Jesus' greatest lesson.
Live Simply
Care Deeply
Love Lots. Or something like that. You get the idea.
If you've read my previous posts, you may be confused as to who I am. I'll just tell you. I'm not perfect. That sums it up. I do my best, I fall down, I get back up again. Some day, I'll stay on the straight and narrow. Now, back onto topic.
Why are we so very "wrong" for loving God? Why are we wrong for loving you? Do you not want love? is that it?
I know it's not. We all want love. So embrace it, instead of trying to grind it into dust. Because, quite frankly, it's not working.

Sunday 20 May 2012

That awkward moment...

So today I was at work. At the movie theatre again.
I'm sitting around with a co-worker (who is also my best friend) and the girl mentioned in the previous post walks in. She orders food, blah blah blah nothing happens.
Before I continue, you need to realize that I have told nobody about the shameful things I have done with this girl. Another note - she isn't exactly a babe, but she's not that bad.
Anyway, she walks out, my friend looks at me and makes a vomiting motion. As in "Wow, is she ever fucking ugly". I laughed and agreed with him at the time. I'll probably cry myself to sleep now.
Okay probably not. She was texting me today though, asking me when I got off work. I told her to enjoy the movie. Maybe I'm being a dick, maybe not. Is it weird that I don't want to have sex with her? I've probably done enough damage already. In a year I'll look at her and think "Fuck. I turned her into that slut."

On the plus side, I looked a picture of my ex today - and laughed. So that was funny. What the fuck did I ever see in her anyway? She's wheeling a 24-year old anyway. That's only like a... 7 year difference. It could work... it could work.
But it won't.
And that makes me smile.

Ah... shit.

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Wednesday 2 May 2012

I haven't touched this in a while...

And that's probably a good thing, being as nobody is reading it. But here I am again, posting stupid... stuff. That nobody cares about.
Here's one thing - I graduate in 2 days. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo. You know, they say grad is like the best thing ever. Wanna know the truth? It's not. Girls get pissed off at you all year and spend like $700 bucks on a dress they wear once? You know when you do that? At a goddamn wedding. Not a high school grad. EVERYONE graduates highschool. Okay not quite everyone, but you know what I mean.
So this brings up the next thing - pre-grad parties. Shit I'm not even going to my normal grad party. You know what I'm doing instead? Chilling in my basement with a bunch of christian dudes, playing video games. Sounds like a real fucking party eh?
But pre-grads. Yay. So much fun. I've snuck out to 2 (I'm 18 and my mom still doesn't let me go), and to be honest, they weren't all that... awesome. Like it was fun to be around people, but all they drink here is beer. That shit is nasty. I'm okay with hard liquor, but beer? No thanks.
I guess I could just go though, and be sociable.... but I'd rather just sit at home. And write a stupid blog that nobody reads.
And watch porn.
And think about my ex.
Fuck me, I need to get out of this place.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Insomnia Strikes Again

Well I must not be able to sleep. Otherwise I wouldn't be on this stupid website again.
I'm talking to nobody! Oh well, I guess that's the only person who will ever understand.
Okay, now I sound like a female. But it's true. I'm just too.. different. And maybe that's a good thing. Maybe. Just maybe.
I pride myself on being different. I mean, like, I don't do drugs, I don't party, I don't have sex.
I sound really fucking lame don't I?
Truth is - I am. It's 12:30am. There's no school this week. Yet here I am... writing a stupid blog that nobody reads. Frick.
That's all I got. Maybe I'll actually get to sleep now. Yeah. That would be nice.
For once.

Sunday 1 April 2012


Well, it's 11:30-some p.m.
What do you do? Sleep, naturally. But sleep is for the weak, right? Because we all know there's plenty of time to sleep when you're dead.
Well, I disagree. I would love to sleep right now! I may as well be trying to bash through a cement floor with my head, because it's not working.
Smashing through a cement floor with my head would not be an easy thing. With the amount of hair I have, I feel like it would just be a cushion.
Heh. I'm thinking about a a pillow strapped to my head right now smashing it against the floor.
"What is the purpose of this blog?" you may be asking yourself.
Good question.
Anger, perhaps. Insomnia. maybe. I dunno. I'll probably vent a little bit here, because nobody knows who I am, I can say how I feel, right?
Turns out, beaking a 12-year old on Xbox live has emotional repercussions.
Which is fucking stupid.

Yet here I am, I can't sleep because I feel bad for beaking some kid I don't know?
Maybe that's the problem.
I don't know this kid. Hell, he could be ADD, have autism, I dunno!
All I know is he's 13, and he has a girlfriend who was playing games with him.
So of course, I had to make fun of him.

Why am I such an ass?
Why do I feel like it's my job to make every little kid online miserable?
I love kids. I mean, I'm a camp counsellor for crying out loud! I wouldn't want the kids that I... counsel I guess... to hear me online dropping F-bombs like they're hot.
Yet here I am. Once again.
I suppose I'm actually not venting to anyone. Who knows? Maybe I'll have followers some day.
And if I don't, who cares?

So what was the point of that update? I don't actually know. But I feel better now. Kinda. I'm sure sleep will find me. Good thing I don't have class til 10 tomorrow.